Inclined Platform

The Inclined Platform from Scanclimber transforms the challenge of working on inclined surfaces into a straightforward task.

This innovative add-on to the Mast Climbing Work Platform (MCWP) offers a remarkable range of angle adjustments, from -15° to 44°, with precise 0.5° increments, making it ideal for a variety of architectural projects, from heritage buildings to contemporary designs.

The platform’s ability to adjust seamlessly to the specific angle of any inclined facade means that the work surface remains level, ensuring that tasks can be performed efficiently and safely, without compromising precision.

Its superior lifting capacity and fine control mechanisms make the Inclined Platform an essential tool for any construction or maintenance project.

Designed with safety and efficiency in mind, the Scanclimber Inclined Platform guarantees a secure work environment, enabling tasks to be completed more swiftly and cost-effectively.

It is compatible with all the middle to high payload range capacity Scanclimber MCWPs. (SC5000, SC6000, SC8000 & SC10000)

Key Features

The inclined platform’s payload capacity depends on the inclination. Inclined Platform cannot be used with a Free-Standing mast climbing work platform.

All MCWP's Add-Ons

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