Bricklaying Extension

Key Features

Ergonomic Design

Enhances comfort and efficiency by allowing the platform to be adjusted to the ideal height, eliminating unnecessary physical strain.

Reduced Injury Risk

Facilitates the handling and manoeuvring of heavy materials without manual lifting, lowering the incidence of back injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders.

Stable and Secure

Provides a firm and safe platform, minimizing the risk of falls and related injuries while working.

High Load Capacity

Supports the weight of multiple workers and their materials, enabling larger sections of wall to be completed quickly, which can lead to reduced labour costs and shorter project timelines.

Efficiency in Setup and Operation

Fewer attachment points and faster elevation speeds than traditional scaffolding reduce both installation time and labour costs.

The Bricklaying Extensions for Scanclimber Mast Climbing Work Platforms offer an innovative, ergonomic, and efficient alternative to traditional scaffolding for bricklaying tasks.

Designed with worker comfort and safety in mind, these extensions allow the platform height to be precisely adjusted to the optimal level for bricklaying, minimizing the need for bending and stretching. This adjustment significantly reduces the risk of discomfort, injury, and fatigue among workers.

Scanclimber’s Bricklaying Extensions transform how bricklaying work is performed, making it safer, faster, and more cost-effective.

Mast Climber Platforms Extensions

Telescopic Extension 2

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Side Platform Adapter_6

Side Platform Adapter

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Adjusting Console

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Extension Bridge Installed

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Bricklayer Extensions_6

Bricklaying Extension

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Hinge Extension_4

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Edge Extension

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All Reach Extension_1

All Reach Extension

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