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Scanclimber SC8000 mast climbing work platform at bricklaying/masonry work in Keimola, Finland. Mast climber can make bricklaying work more productive and ergonomic. SC8000 is a mast climber dedicated for heavy duty facade work like bricklaying.
See how Scanclimber triple hoist, SC8 deployed at Cologne Cathedral is helping in its maintenance and restoration work.
Amager Bakke or Hill, also known as Amager Slope or Copenhill, is a combined waste-to-energy plant and sports facility in Amager, Copenhagen, Denmark. Platform.as is a Copenhagen based company that configures and leases mast climbers for construction projects in Denmark. Casper Knudsen CEO of Platform.as shares an inside account of their prestigious project.
The project coordinator Mr. Sébastien Roger from the main contractor Charpentiers of Paris describes an adventure with Christo for the packaging of the Arc de Triomphe with help of Scanclimber by Tractel mast climbing platforms.
Chimney demolition project of the Mülheim-Kärlich nuclear power plant.
Clarion Hotel Helsinki is a 16-storey building including two towers, the highest being at the height of 78 meters. Scanclimber contributed to this project with two SC5000 and one SC6000 mast climbing platforms and a SC1432 construction hoist. Mainly the mast climbing platforms were used for façade work of the hotel. Construction hoist SC1432 was deployed for quick and efficient transportation of material and labor inside the building.
Façade works of award-winning Grand Tower of Frankfurt were started 2016 by German company, Riva. George Kutchus, the worksite manager at Riva, gives an insight into the challenges of the project. And explains Scanclimber’s role overcoming these challenges.
Presenting the latest updates on the Grand Tower Project in Frankfurt. This is by far the biggest project for Scanclimber in terms of sheer amount of customized; fixed and dynamic extensions used.
Jarno Säippä is the project manager at Posiva's (www.posiva.fi) Final disposal - project. He has worked in the mining industry in various positions and is now responsible for the project’s shaft construction. In this video, Jarno shares Posiva's experience with working with Scanclimber's machinery on this magnanimous project.
Muuraus Nahkala Oy has had 5 Scanclimber® mast climbers in use since 2018. The company's CEO Janne Nahkala talks about the benefits of mast climbers in facade masonry.
Platform.as, used a Total Cover System developed for Scanclimber mast climbers on the worksite in Roskilde, Denmark.
Scanclimber SC6000 twin work platforms with sliding deck extensions are used as access equipment for assembling facade of Amager Bakke, the world’s most modern and environmentally friendly waste-to-energy plant.
The customer's point of view on use Mast Climber in window installation and wall cladding.
Scanclimber Falcon hoist transports personnel and materials to and from the ground level on access shaft at CERN, Switzerland.
"L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped" was a temporary artwork for Paris designed by world-renowned Christo. It was visible for 16 days from September 18. to October 3., 2021.
Henrik Åkesson from Skanska was a project production manager at Växjö town hall work site. He explains why they used Scanclimber's inclined mast climbers for glass facade installation.